WG Couplers, Divider, Combiners and OMT

Series 136/137
Millimetric Multihole Directional Coupler, 33 to 500GHz, 40dB (136) and 44dB (137) directivity

WOMT Series
Ortho-Mode Transducers are covering full or sub waveguide band from WR340 to WR5 up to 220GHz.

4-port Hybrid Magic Tee
Available in all waveguide sizes, including double ridge, covering S-Band to Q-Band

Phase Combiners
WR-22 to WR-650. increasing amplifier power and security is to combine the power of two or more amplifiers.

Power Combiners
Coupling ratios may vary from symmetrical (3dB) to assymetrical. Can handle full waveguide power. Can replace magic tees

Variable Power Combiners

Miniature Hybrid Couplers

Power Dividers and Combiners

Waveguide Directional Couplers
High directivity with wide operating frequency range. Can be three waveguide ports or with one coxial connection

Combiner Redundancy Units
520 Series. Efficient HPA Combining. Full Power HPA Redundancy. High Speed Switching

Multihole Directional Couplers
System & Instrument Grade. 2.6 to 40GHz

Series 230 / 231
Multihole Directional Couplers – Splitter/Combiner. 3 Wat Signal Splitter

WRD 131 Series
Double ridge multihole coupler for standard double ridge waveguide sizes and tailored to any special bandwidth requirements.

Series 140
Branch Guide Directional Couplers, available in both 3 and 4 port configurations and standard coupling values are 3 dB, 6 dB and 10 dB

Series 780 OMT
Orthomode Transducers. Isolation > 50dB . Models up to 140GHz . Broad and Narrow Band Options

785 Series OMT
Full-Band Orthomode Transducers. Models from 33 to 220 GHz