Selective measurement of high frequency electromagnetic fields
RadMan 2XT/2LT
Personal radiation monitor for electric and magnetic fields RF Safety instrument
The electromagnetic field meter and successor of the NBM series ranging from 0 Hz to 90 GHz
Multi-Band Area Monitor Ready for 5G. 10 Hz up to 60 GHz
ELT 400
Exposure Level Tester with wide frequency range (1 Hz - 400 kHz)
Magnetometer HP-01
Magnetometer for measurement and analysis of static and time-variable magnetic fields
Device with dual sensor probe for measuring electric and magnetic fields in industrial environments
Nardalert S3
Personal radiation monitor for electric fields with on site interchangeable sensor modules
Isotropic measurement of electric and magnetic ELF fields
Compact E and H field meter
Selective Area Monitor monitors high frequency fields from 100 kHz to 6 GHz.
Selective Area Monitor for frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz,
VNA Test Port Extension Cables
Up to 67GHz, great option for OEM Test Cables
Killer Bee® Test Cables
Phase & Amplitude Performance through Q-Band. to 50 GHz
RF Orange® Test Cables
to 110 GHz. The Industry Standard for Bench Testing
Survivor™ Ruggedized Cables
Low Loss Armored Cables for Rigorous Environments. to 50 GHz
EMC Lab Test Cables
Low Loss Armored Test Cables for Compliance Measurements. to 40 GHz
Thermal VAC Test Cables
Thermal-Vacuum Cables for Altitude Testing. to 50 GHz
75-Ohm Broadband Test Cables
For Testing of IoT Devices, Cable Modems, CATV, IPTV, and Broadcast Components. to 8 GHz
RF Green™ Eco-Friendly Test Cables
Low Environmental Impact Meets High Performance. to 26.5 GHz
SiteLine™ Armored Test Cables
Crush-Proof Cables Designed for Severe Environments. to 50 GHz
Private Labeled Test & Measurement Cables
Enhance Brand Visibilty, Increase Revenue, and Provide Customers End-to-End Test Solutions