
Flow Technology’s Omniflo® turbine flowmeter is a tangential flow transducer capable of measuring very low flow rates in either liquid or gas with excellent response speed and repeatability.
A high resolution, volumetric flow instrument. Omniflo® offers repeatability better than ± 0.1% in liquids and ± 0.2% in gases. The flowmeter’s unique, tangential rotor design allows it to operate efficiently in low flow environments where standard axial turbine flowmeters cannot be used.
Flow rates as low as 0.001 GPM (3.78 mLPM) in liquids and 0.0015 ACFM (2.5 LPH) in gases can be measured.
When paired with linearizing electronics, the overall accuracy is ± 0.25% in liquids and ± 0.60% in gas. Omniflo’s stainless steel construction makes it capable of resisting pressures up to 400 BAR (5,800 psi). Optional configurations are available for higher operating pressures depending on end fittings.
• Flow ranges: gas from 2.5 LPH, liquid from 3.78 mLPM
• Interchangeable flow elements – easy to change to other measurement areas
• Inaccuracy +/-0.25% in liquid, +/-0.60% gas
• Compact size